Varjo Base Pro is coming in April. Purchase a Varjo headset before March 25 to retain lifetime access to all current advanced features without additional cost.

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Technical XR and VR Features and Capabilities

Navigate the terminology and technology of the VR/XR world with Varjo’s Learning Hub. It offers everything from the most common VR and XR definitions to answering the most important questions related to your own virtual or mixed reality system set-up and use.

In this section of the Learning Hub, we look at the different terms that are often used in the same context as VR, especially when it comes to the technical features and capabilities of different head-mounted displays. Choose one of the terms from the menu on the left to understand better what they describe.

Technical XR and VR Features and Capabilities

Read more on the different VR features and capabilities:

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Human-eye resolution, wide field of view, integrated eye and hand tracking, best-in-class ergonomics, complete 3D software compatibility, and much more. Varjo’s devices enable professionals across industries to create, train, work, and sell in ways that have not been possible before, saving time, money, and effort along the way. Reach out to our expert sales team if you have any questions about using our products for your own immersive workflow or project.