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Case Audi: Designing the car of the future with human-eye resolution VR

Case Audi: Designing with human-eye resolution VR

Varjo is helping Audi create the car of tomorrow today.

Watch the interview with Jan Pflueger, coordinator of Augmented and Virtual Reality at Audi, to hear how Varjo allows Audi to establish a seamless VR workflow.


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Varjo's human-eye resolution VR helps Audi save time, effort and money.

The human-eye resolution of Varjo devices lets Audi designers see, test and understand every detail of their designs at the very earliest stages in the process.

  • This saves weeks from the design cycle, helping Audi to create the car of tomorrow today.

One of the most important milestones in the Audi production process is digital data controlling, when the decision is made that a car is production-ready.

  • Varjo helps Audi designers and engineers make the right decisions before the tooling process begins, saving time and money.

Seamless immersion is the future of virtual reality and crucial for industrial designers. The unprecedented visual fidelity of Varjo means that – for the first time ever – there is a seamless transfer between the real world and the virtual world.

Observing the full design feels completely natural with Varjo’s industry-leading Bionic Display – creating perfect 3D visualizations in human-eye resolution in a full field of view. Cars and other large objects fit perfectly in the frame while textures, reflections, colors, and text are rendered in stunning clarity. And with the widest color gamut, color accuracy is now 1:1 with the real world.

“Varjo lets us at Audi establish a seamless VR workflow.”

Jan Pflueger - Coordination Augmented & Virtual Reality, AUDI AG
Watch the interview.

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