Learn how to make the most of your headset for effective virtual work.
Did you know that every Varjo headset is delivered with built-in features and tools that can help you work more effectively and efficiently in your day-to-day tasks, without running any additional software?
During this 1-hour virtual insight session, learn how Varjo Base and Workspace can bring your real and virtual workflows together into one seamless reality.
Whether you want to see your code development results in real-time; design and review cars, engines or building layouts; or are simply interested in learning how to get the most out of a Varjo headset, you’ll discover new ways to leverage the power of Varjo virtual and mixed reality.
Explore the Varjo Workspace user guide for mixed reality
“Unlike other immersive computing UIs, Varjo Workspace is not built on ‘hand-waving’ Hollywood UIs with no practical basis in reality, but instead integrates the way we work today using professional 2D applications – all enhanced by the capabilities of Varjo XR technologies.”
– Urho Konttori, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Varjo