Free Whitepaper: Using Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality for Pilot Training and Simulation
In this white paper, we explore the use cases and benefits of virtual and mixed reality across the pilot training and simulation value chain.
Hear from world-class professionals and organizations who are already pioneering the new reality of immersive training and discover several benefits to using virtual and mixed reality (collectively known as XR) as a part of the training process.
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How VR & XR are transforming pilot training
Substantial changes are afoot in the world of aviation. Even before the pandemic, both the aviation industry and government organizations were under increasing cost and operational tempo pressures. While the world is rapidly returning to a new normal, the challenges facing aviation have not gone away. As a result, the aviation training community is looking to emerging virtual and mixed reality technologies to help tackle these challenges.
The main benefits of VR/XR training include cost efficiencies, improved utilization of existing full-mission simulators, portability of devices to enable training at the point of need and saving travel costs, greater availability of training tools to allow trainees to achieve more reps and sets, engaging training that encourages trainees to repeat tasks until they achieve mastery, and all-around better scalability. When training organizations successfully implement these solutions, they will train more pilots faster, provide more flexibly in the training, and with less cost than ever before.
Read on to discover why these technologies are not flights of fancy but the future of pilot training that industry pioneers are already adopting.