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Varjo Recruitment Privacy Statement

This privacy statement relating to recruitment activities at Varjo Technologies Oy (“Privacy Statement”) describes how we collect and use personal data about you during (“Varjo”) recruitment activities where Varjo is the data controller, and what rights do you have in relation to such data. Data processing in any recruitment process tools used by Varjo belongs to the scope of this Privacy Statement.

Please read this Privacy Statement carefully prior to participating in any recruitment process or submitting your personal data to Varjo. By participating in the recruitment process and/or by submitting your personal data to us, you express your understanding to the processing of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Statement. If you do not agree with this Privacy Statement, you unfortunately cannot leave your data into any database or otherwise provide it to Varjo.

User’s Data Protection and Data Security

Varjo, including its affiliates, is committed to respecting your privacy and complying with the applicable data protection and privacy laws.

Controller of Personal Data and Contact Information

Varjo Technologies Oy, Vuorikatu 20, 00100 Helsinki, Finland, is the controller of your personal data. In matters relating to this Privacy Statement, you may contact Varjo by using the information below:

Varjo Technologies Oy

Collection and Use of Personal Data

Varjo collects your personal data for the purposes of recognition of employee candidates (also for the future), communicating with you, enabling and managing Varjo’s recruitment and onboarding processes, assessing employment potential of employee candidates, offering, negotiating and making decisions on employment contracts, collecting and maintaining a candidate pool for future employment opportunities, resourcing related activities as well as for organizational planning purposes globally. Consequently, Varjo may use your personal data in relation to the evaluation and selection of candidates including for example setting up and conducting interviews and tests, evaluating, and assessing the results thereto and as is otherwise needed in the recruitment processes including the final recruitment. Varjo may also use your personal data as required by law, regulation, or judicial organisations to comply with legal obligations imposed on us.

If you become an employee, any personal data that you submit may become a part of your employment file and may be used by Varjo for employment/work-related purposes.

Varjo collects personal data directly from candidates as well as information sources that are provided to Varjo by candidates. Subject to applicable national legislation, Varjo may also collect personal data from public sources, and conduct background checks and assessments and store information from those during the recruitment process.

This Privacy Statement covers any personal data you submit through our online recruitment system or otherwise e.g. by email, as part of job application or recruitment process, such as:

  • name, home address, /mobile number, email address, other contact information and your preferred ways to be contacted;
  • log-in and password and other such information used in connection with authenticating you;
  • CV, résumé, cover letter, previous work experience, education, competences and skills;
  • preferred country/countries of employment, willingness to relocate, desired salary;
  • potential recommendations;
  • minutes of the job interviews;
  • estimation of the employee candidate suitability;
  • how you heard about the position; and
  • information relating to references.

If you intend to provide us with details of a reference or any other third party as part of your CV/ résumé, it is your responsibility to obtain consent from the third party.

Please be aware that Varjo does not generally collect information about candidates that is particularly “sensitive” or “private”. Varjo is an equal opportunity employer, which means we offer equal treatment to all candidates. Varjo does not discriminate, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, trans-sexuality, race, ethnic origin, religion, religious belief, disability, marital status, creed, nationality, national origin, colour, age, or any other legally protected category candidates in any area of recruitment. The laws of certain countries may require Varjo to collect some sensitive personal data, for example, for equal opportunities purposes. If you provide Varjo with any information of this nature you explicitly consent to it being processed in the manner described in this Privacy Statement. In addition, if you independently, without our general or specific request, provide us with any sensitive data, e.g. by enclosing any health information as part of your application or curriculum vitae, you will be deemed to have provided Varjo with your separate intentional consent for such data processing for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement.

Varjo retains personal data for as long as the data is required for the aforementioned purposes or as required by applicable law. When such requirements no longer exist, the personal data shall be deleted.

The Processing of Personal Data is based on Your Consent

Varjo processes your personal data based on your consent. You may at any time revoke your consent. As processing of your personal data is necessary part of our recruitment process, revoking your consent may lead to a situation where we cannot proceed the recruitment process with you.

Sharing Your Personal Data

Varjo works with third parties who provide services to us and we may share your personal data with those third parties such as third party service providers as part of Varjo recruitment process, web site hosting or information technology consulting services; web site management; data analysis; legal services; accounting services; and other administrative and back-up and security services. These third parties are not permitted to use your personal data for any other purposes except processing your personal data for Varjo for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement. Varjo will take appropriate technical, organizational, and legal steps to secure your personal data.

Varjo is a global organization having affiliates, business processes, management structures, and technical systems that cross national borders. Therefore, Varjo may use resources and servers located in various countries around the world, including countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Accordingly, your personal data may be transferred outside the country where you use a Varjo website or otherwise provide Varjo with your personal data. In such cases Varjo uses measures to provide adequate protection for your personal data as required by applicable law.

Your personal data may be disclosed or otherwise accessed as is required by mandatory legislation. Such disclosures or access may include disclosure of your personal data to or access by e.g. law enforcement agencies in the countries Varjo or its subcontractors and agents operate as well as in the countries through which your personal data has been transferred according to this Privacy Statement.

We may also need to share your personal data with a purchaser or potential purchaser of our business. Such sharing does not occur regularly, but should it be necessary, we will share only the smallest possible amount of your personal data and always in the limits of applicable legislation.

Your Rights

You have the following rights regarding personal data that Varjo processes about you, as appropriate and subject to possible restrictions and other provisions arising from applicable national legislation

  • to know what personal data Varjo holds about you and to obtain a copy;
  • subject to law, to obtain in machine readable format the personal data you have provided to Varjo;
  • to obtain erasure, blocking or rectification of incorrect, incomplete or otherwise inaccurate personal data;
  • to object, in whole or in part, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data – in some cases, however, this may also mean the termination of your application or other relationship with Varjo.

You may exercise your rights by contacting us through the contact address described above in this Privacy Statement. We may delete your personal data at any time (including your CV/résumé), without any reason. Therefore, you should retain your own copy of the personal data provided to us.

No Offer of Employment

The open career opportunities do not constitute an offer or promise of employment. Varjo may eliminate, modify or change without notice any aspect(s) of the employment positions, compensation, and benefit plans described herein. Any employment offer that may follow as a result of the identification of a potential opportunity by a user or submission of information to Varjo is in accordance with the specific terms of that offer.

Information Security

Varjo endeavours to use appropriate measures (having regard also to the nature of the personal data involved) to prevent and minimize security risks in connection with your use of our systems and services.

Such measures include, where appropriate, the use of firewalls, secure server facilities, encryption, implementing of proper access rights management systems and processes, careful selection of processors and other technically and commercially reasonable measures to provide appropriate protection for your personal data against unauthorized use or disclosure. Varjo may also take appropriate back-up copies and use other such means to prevent the accidental damage or destruction to your personal data and to ensure that our services are functioning properly.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

As Varjo seeks to develop the recruitment process continuously, also this Privacy Statement may be updated to correspond with the current situation. Varjo reserves the right to amend this Privacy Statement with or without notice and encourages you to review this Privacy Statement regularly for any amendments.