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How to View Blender Content in VR with Varjo Headsets: A Step-by-Step Guide

October 31, 2024
by Samuli Jääskeläinen, Senior Software Engineer, Varjo
XR/VR tips and tricks

Blender, the free and open-source 3D modeling program, offers excellent OpenXR support for Varjo headsets, including both quad view and foveated rendering extensions. However, VR Scene Inspection is not enabled by default in Blender. To get started with VR Scene Inspection, simply follow these quick steps:

1. Download and Install Blender

Head to Blender’s official website to download and install the software.

2. Enable Blender VR Scene Inspector Add-on

  • Go to Edit > Preferences in the main menu.
  • Select Add-ons and search for VR Scene Inspection.


3. Show the scene in VR

Now that VR Scene Inspection is enabled, you can start exploring your scenes in VR. Here’s how:

  1. Show Sidebar: Press N on your keyboard to reveal the sidebar.
  2. Activate VR Session: Click on the VR tab in the sidebar, then press Start VR Session to begin viewing your content in VR with your Varjo headset.


Additional Resources on VR Scene Inspection

For a deeper dive into VR Scene Inspection and its capabilities, you can refer to Blender’s documentation on VR Scene Inspection. This manual provides more advanced insights on using VR tools in Blender and can help you troubleshoot any issues that arise.


Experiment with Blender’s Demo Scenes in VR

Blender VR demo scenes
Blender’s demo files are an excellent way to test your setup in VR. These files provide a variety of scenes that highlight different rendering capabilities within Blender.
Blender Cube Diorama
We recommend trying the “Cube Diorama” scene. In this scene you can drag and drop different premade elements to a small room.
Blender World Shader Editor
Make sure to disconnect all post processing from World Shader Editor to remove vignetting. (specific to Cube Diorama)
EEVEE render in VR
Blender uses EEVEE to render in VR. You can change the settings from the Render window. (applies to all Blender scenes)