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Accounts, organizations, and Varjo services


Businesses can purchase and manage Varjo services in Varjo Account Portal. The portal consists of user accounts, organizations, and various Varjo services:

  • Each user needs a commercial Varjo Account to join an organization. You can create your account now.

  • Organizations are the business entities that own and manage Varjo services. To use Varjo services, you must be a member of one or more organizations.

    There are two types of member roles in organizations: admin users and regular members. Admin users can purchase and manage Varjo services, as well as invite and manage members of the organization.

  • Varjo services are non-physical products that improve and enhance the use of Varjo headsets. To use a Varjo service, you must be a member of an organization subscribed to that service.

    Some services require that you are assigned a seat in a subscription, while other services are available to all members of the organization. Individual users without a business organization cannot subscribe to Varjo services.

Read more about setting up Varjo Account.






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Private customers can order Aero through our selected Varjo resellers.