Get started with Teleport

This page includes instructions to help you when using Teleport by Varjo.

Introduction to Teleport

Viewing a capture



Introduction to Teleport

Teleport by Varjo is a service that allows anyone to effortlessly create photorealistic virtual recreations of real world locations, and share them to be explored in virtual reality.

We are inviting early access users to get hands on with the groundbreaking core technology of the upcoming service and experience the future of spatial content creation.


Viewing a capture

Teleport allows you to view captures made by you or shared by others. You can also view our gallery showcasing great captures from around the world.


Accessing captures online

Follow these instructions to access captures online:

  1. Go to to view the Gallery of captures.
    • You can see public captures that other users have made.
    • If you have made your own captures , you can see them by logging in with your Varjo Account credentials. (Join the waitlist to get your account)
  2. Click on the capture you want to view to open the capture details page.


Capture viewing options

The capture details page offers you different ways to view and experience your capture:

View video View video shows you a pre-defined flythrough of the capture.
Preview in Browser Preview in Browser allows you to explore the capture in your browser using your mouse and keyboard.

The capture will load directly in your browser – the capture typically ranges between 50–200 MB, and may take up to a minute to load depending on your internet speed.

Launch Teleport app Launch Teleport app opens the Teleport app that provides an immersive experience of the capture space.



Viewing in browser

You can view a capture in your browser by clicking the Preview in Browser button under the capture. Previewing captures in the browser are at a lower quality to allow for browser viewing efficiency, and the best photorealistic quality is available in Viewing in the Teleport app.

Below are the keyboard controls for navigating in the browser:

  • Drag with left or right mouse button: Adjust orientation
  • Middle mouse button: Pan the camera
  • Mouse scroll wheel: Zoom the camera in and out
  • W, S, A, and D keys, or the arrow keys: Move around in the content
  • Q key: Look up
  • E key: Look down
  • Space bar: Reset to first camera position
  • Shift key: Move faster in the content


Viewing in the Teleport app

Follow these instructions to view a capture in VR:

  1. Download & Install Teleport app.
  2. If you have a VR headset, connect it now, power it on, and launch the relevant headset software. See more details on the System requirements for Teleport page.
  3. Click the Launch Teleport app button to open the Teleport app. The scene will start automatically. Captures are typically 300–800 MB, so it may take a few minutes to complete downloading depending on your internet speed.

Once the Teleport app opens, you can freely move around the capture. Below are the controls for navigating in the capture space using either desktop keyboard or VR controllers.

Keyboard movement controls

  • Drag with right mouse button: Adjust orientation
  • W, A, S, and D keys: Move around in the content
  • Q key: Move up
  • E key: Move down
  • Space bar: Reset to first camera position
  • Escape key: Exit the scene
  • Copy Link: Share a link to the capture


Controller movement controls

  1. Thumbsticks: Move around in the content
  2. B button (left controller): Move up
  3. A button (left controller): Move down
  4. A button (right controller): Toggle mixed reality view on and off
  5. Trigger: Move faster in the content
  6. Grip button: Display controller instructions




Sign up on Teleport Waitlist

We are inviting early access users to get hands on with the groundbreaking core technology of the upcoming service and experience the future of spatial content creation. Join our waitlist to access the Capture app. You will receive an email confirming that you have been added to the waitlist. Once you have been granted access, you will receive another email with access instructions.


Set up your phone

Make sure that your mobile device meets the system requirements for Teleport.

Making a capture


Links to captures that you copied and shared (via email, SMS, messengers etc) are available to anyone with the link, and access cannot be revoked.

When capturing, make sure that you are aware of your surroundings and maintain safety at all times.

Protect any personal or sensitive information before beginning your capture.


  1. Make sure the lenses and sensors on your mobile device are clean before capturing.
  2. Press the button and follow the below guidance for optimal results.
a. Outside-in capture path:

Plan your capture path through the space using the ‘outside-in’ technique as shown in the video. This involves you moving around the outside of the area while keeping the camera pointed inwards, towards the center of the area. If you want to increase quality when viewed from different angles, you can include further capture paths at different heights. After completing this outside-in path you can move into your space to capture further detail at more angles. Do not ‘pan’ the camera around like taking a panoramic photo as this produces very bad results, it’s best to move your entire body slowly throughout the area along a capture path rather than rotate the phone in one or multiple places.

b. Maximize frame context:

Keep in frame as much as the scene context as possible, ensuring to capture the ceiling and the floor, as these can be missed as you focus on your capturing activity. Their intersections with walls also provide needed context for helping the reconstruction.

c. Speed:

Motion blur degrades reconstruction quality, so keep movements slow during capturing. Do not rapidly move or rotate.

d. Stability:

Try to keep the phone as stable as possible, avoiding knocking the device against objects or hand jitters. Always keep the phone upright in portrait mode do not switch to landscape. Avoid your fingers or hand moving over the phone sensors.

e. Supported scenes:

Both indoor and outdoor scenes supported. Avoid scenes containing moving objects, such as people, animals or vehicles in motion. Scenes containing objects that move degrades reconstruction quality, so only capture static scenes. Capture area needs to be lit. Night time scenes will work providing sufficient lighting within scene, such as a cityscape. Plain surfaces (like white walls) will not work well, identical repeating patterns taking up the full image frame can also cause issues.

f. Images required for a successful capture:

Different sized and detailed areas will warrant different amounts of images for the capture.

  • Minimum : currently a minimum of 20 images are required for a capture. Captures completed below 20 images will be automatically discarded.
  • Maximum : currently a maximum of 2000 images are recommended for a capture. You will be permitted to go over this maximum however in some cases errors could be seen if done so.

Note: We recommend always moving with the phone while making a capture. Avoid panning the phone while standing still. Avoid surfaces such as plain white walls and identical repeating patterns.


Uploading a capture

Follow these steps after you have completed a capture.

  1. Name your capture file.
  2. The upload starts automatically. Keep the Teleport app open during this time to make sure the upload completes. The upload can take up to 20 minutes. Note that the first frame taken in your capture is used to represent the capture in the user interface.
  3. After the upload is complete, the file is processed. This can take some hours to complete (up to 18 hours).

Note: You can keep making new captures even while your previous captures are still uploading or processing.